List of acronyms

A1 Primary auditory cortex
A2 Secondary auditory cortex
A3 Tertiary auditory cortex
ABR Auditory brainstem response
AC Alternating current
AM Amplitude modulation
ATF Amplitude transfer function
AVCN Anteroventral cochlear nucleus
BM Basilar membrane
CCD Charge-coupled device
CF Characteristic frequency
CN Cochlear nucleus
CMR Comodulation masking release
cPSF coherent Point spread function
CSF Contrast sensitivity function
DC Direct current
DCN Dorsal cochlear nucleus
DNLL Dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
DPOAE Distortion-product otoacoustic emission
EEOAE Electrically evoked otoacoustic emission
EOAE Evoked otoacoustic emission
ERB Equivalent rectangular bandwidth
FEM Finite-element method
FFR Frequency-following response
FM Frequency modulation
fMRI functional Magnetic resonance imaging
FWHM Full-width half maximum
GDD Group-delay dispersion
GVD Group-velocity dispersion
IACC Interaural acoustic cross-correlation
IC Inferior colliculus
ICC Central nucleus of the inferior colliculus
ICD Dorsal cortex of the inferior colliculus
ICX External nucleus of the inferior colliculus
IHC Inner hair cell
INLL Intermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
iPSF incoherent Point spread function
LCT Linear canonical transform
LED Light-emitting diode
LGB Lateral geniculate body
LL Lateral lemniscus
LOC Lateral olivocochlear
LSO Lateral superior olive
MDI Modulation discrimination interference
MEG Magnetoencephalography
MET Mechanoelectrical transduction
MGB Medial geniculate body
MLR Middle latency response
MNTB Medial nucleus of the trapezoid body
MOC Medial olivocochlear
MOCR Medial olivocochlear reflex
MSO Medial superior olive
MTF Modulation transfer function
NLL Nuclei of the lateral lemniscus
NPLL Neural phase-locked loop
OAE Otoacoustic emission
OHC Outer hair cell
OTF Optical transfer function
PLL Phase-locked loop
PM-HLL Period-modulated harmonic locked loop
PSF Point spread function
PTF Phase transfer function
PVCN Posteroventral cochlear nucleus
QM Quadrature modulation
RC Resistance capacitance
RMS Root mean square
SC Superior colliculus
SFM Sinusoidal frequency modulation
SFOAE Stimulus-frequency otoacoustic emissions
SHC Short hair cell
SNR Signal-to-noise ratio
SOAE Spontaneous otoacoustic emission
SOC Superior olivary complex
SON Superior olivary nucleus
SPL Sound pressure level
SPN Superior paraolivary nucleus
TOAE Transient otoacoustic emission
TFS Temporal fine structure
THC Tall hair cell
TM Tectorial membrane
TMTF Temporal modulation transfer function
UWB Ultra-wideband
V1 Primary visual cortex
VCN Ventral cochlear nucleus
VCO Voltage controlled oscillator
VNLL Ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
VNTB Ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body