List of acronyms
A1 | Primary auditory cortex |
A2 | Secondary auditory cortex |
A3 | Tertiary auditory cortex |
ABR | Auditory brainstem response |
AC | Alternating current |
AM | Amplitude modulation |
ATF | Amplitude transfer function |
AVCN | Anteroventral cochlear nucleus |
BM | Basilar membrane |
CCD | Charge-coupled device |
CF | Characteristic frequency |
CN | Cochlear nucleus |
CMR | Comodulation masking release |
cPSF | coherent Point spread function |
CSF | Contrast sensitivity function |
DC | Direct current |
DCN | Dorsal cochlear nucleus |
DNLL | Dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus |
DPOAE | Distortion-product otoacoustic emission |
EEOAE | Electrically evoked otoacoustic emission |
EOAE | Evoked otoacoustic emission |
ERB | Equivalent rectangular bandwidth |
FEM | Finite-element method |
FFR | Frequency-following response |
FM | Frequency modulation |
fMRI | functional Magnetic resonance imaging |
FWHM | Full-width half maximum |
GDD | Group-delay dispersion |
GVD | Group-velocity dispersion |
IACC | Interaural acoustic cross-correlation |
IC | Inferior colliculus |
ICC | Central nucleus of the inferior colliculus |
ICD | Dorsal cortex of the inferior colliculus |
ICX | External nucleus of the inferior colliculus |
IHC | Inner hair cell |
INLL | Intermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus |
iPSF | incoherent Point spread function |
LCT | Linear canonical transform |
LED | Light-emitting diode |
LGB | Lateral geniculate body |
LL | Lateral lemniscus |
LOC | Lateral olivocochlear |
LSO | Lateral superior olive |
MDI | Modulation discrimination interference |
MEG | Magnetoencephalography |
MET | Mechanoelectrical transduction |
MGB | Medial geniculate body |
MLR | Middle latency response |
MNTB | Medial nucleus of the trapezoid body |
MOC | Medial olivocochlear |
MOCR | Medial olivocochlear reflex |
MSO | Medial superior olive |
MTF | Modulation transfer function |
NLL | Nuclei of the lateral lemniscus |
NPLL | Neural phase-locked loop |
OAE | Otoacoustic emission |
OHC | Outer hair cell |
OTF | Optical transfer function |
PLL | Phase-locked loop |
PM-HLL | Period-modulated harmonic locked loop |
PSF | Point spread function |
PTF | Phase transfer function |
PVCN | Posteroventral cochlear nucleus |
QM | Quadrature modulation |
RC | Resistance capacitance |
RMS | Root mean square |
SC | Superior colliculus |
SFM | Sinusoidal frequency modulation |
SFOAE | Stimulus-frequency otoacoustic emissions |
SHC | Short hair cell |
SNR | Signal-to-noise ratio |
SOAE | Spontaneous otoacoustic emission |
SOC | Superior olivary complex |
SON | Superior olivary nucleus |
SPL | Sound pressure level |
SPN | Superior paraolivary nucleus |
TOAE | Transient otoacoustic emission |
TFS | Temporal fine structure |
THC | Tall hair cell |
TM | Tectorial membrane |
TMTF | Temporal modulation transfer function |
UWB | Ultra-wideband |
V1 | Primary visual cortex |
VCN | Ventral cochlear nucleus |
VCO | Voltage controlled oscillator |
VNLL | Ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus |
VNTB | Ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body |